Gendex Digital Radiographs
We use a digital plate for taking radiographs rather than an x-ray film. This is much like using a digital camera versus an old fashioned film camera. With this technology there are no more toxic chemicals or film and their attendant waste in the office which allows us to be more environmentally friendly. Images are available almost instantly on a computer monitor for Dr. Wetzler and the patient to view. Because these images are digital, they can be manipulated by Dr. Wetzler to enlarge an area, change contrast or any other adjustment he needs to make a proper diagnosis. In addition, the images can be shared with your general dental office via email or paper copy without the usual degradation in quality when film based x-rays are duplicated.
For our patients, digital radiographs mean reduced exposure to radiation (up to 90% less than some film based systems), less waiting time, shorter appointments and a better tool for diagnosis.